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Banks Sheridan Group


  • Responsive Website Design & Development
  • Content Management System (CMS)


Banks Sheridan approached TRCREATIVE, needing a complete overhaul of their existing website, which was not effectively showcasing their services or facilitating user navigation. The old site lacked intuitive design, making it difficult for customers to find and access important information regarding the company’s extensive financial services.


TRCREATIVE delivered a bespoke responsive UI/UX design that enhances user experience and accessibility across all devices. The redesign enhanced the brand colour palette by introducing new colours to segment and clearly highlight the diverse sectors of the site. The team employed a bespoke design and WordPress CMS for robust, user-friendly content management, enabling Banks Sheridan to maintain an up-to-date and informative online presence easily.



The new website has transformed Banks Sheridan’s online presence. It now vividly displays each service area, including accountancy, tax assistance, and financial planning, through a clearly structured and user-friendly interface. It features dedicated sections for case studies, the latest business and HMRC news, company updates, online resources and FAQs, significantly improving user engagement and satisfaction. This transformation has not only made it easier for clients to navigate the site and access the needed services but also enhanced Banks Sheridan’s professional image and operational efficiency.

Visit the website here >